Catalogue no. 3043

Five forest rounds

Music: Emily Doolittle, Words: Emily Doolittle, Neil Banas and Sheena Phillips

Voicing: voicing flexible

Performance time approx:

Ranges: [1] c' – a' / [2] d' – d'' / [3] a – d'' / [4] a – d' / [5] a – b' (or can be sung in any key)

Price code: B


These rounds were originally composed (with different lyrics) as part of Canadian composer R. Murray Schafer’s Wolf Project, an annual creative gathering and ritual performance that takes place in a remote part of Ontario. With fresh lyrics, we now make them more widely available for people of any age who would like to sing together.

1. Turtle

Turtle swimming in the bankside shallows,
Turning and gliding in the stream,
Soft and slow, as in a dream.

2. Fox

Fox prowls low, looking wily,
Fox prowls slow, stepping shyly,
Fox howls loud, and calls her cubs to come out hunting,
Fox howls high, and sniffs the evening sky.

3. Beavers

Beavers hide in the cattails, [bulrushes]
Slipping and sliding through the river,
Slapping the water with flat tails.

4. Bat

Hang tight, black bat, fold your wings and keep your eyes shut.
Listen in the rustling darkness for your dinner.
Then swoop up, dart down, fly looping by.
Shadow in the sky.

5. Bear’s Lullaby

Sun low and branches bare,
Geese call through frosty air,
Sleep now in your den,
Till springtime comes again.

Emily Doolittle, Neil Banas, and Sheena Phillips

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Price codeB

Five forest rounds

Emily Doolittle

voicing flexible

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