Catalogue no. 5043
Psalm 1
The Lord will bless us, if we walk in the way of peace
Music: Andrew Wilson-Dickson, Words: Brother Anthony of Taizé, adapted
Voicing: Unison choir or cantor; unison congregation; keyboard
Performance time approx: 2m 30s
Range: Choir: f'–f'' or f–f' / Congregation: f'–d'' or f–d'
Price code: C
The set includes:
Andrew Wilson-Dickson has set a selection of psalms for liturgical use, based on texts by Brother Anthony of Taizé, from the Jerusalem Bible, and from a few other sources. Musically, the settings are inventive and refreshing, full of life and movement, and well within the compass of church choirs and congregations.
Psalm 1 has a mixed meter (alternating 7/4 and 4/4) giving the psalm a beautifully spacious feel. The choir sings in unison, and the congregation interjects a simple repeated phrase.
We publish the music for voices and keyboard, and we include a PDF of the congregational part which can be copied into a service booklet. We don’t ask you to count the whole congregation when you order this piece: please order according to the number of singers in your choir.
The recording has instrumental accompaniment. Parts for clarinet and harp, should you wish to use them, can be purchased separately from the composer. (Email us at info@canasg.test and we will put you in touch with him). Andrew is also happy to create parts for any other instruments that you have at your disposal.
The Lord will bless us, if we walk in the way of peace.
How happy are those, how blest, who refuse the counsels of the doomed,
not passing where the sinful pass, nor sitting with the foolish who mock,
but whose delight is the Law of the Lord, and who ponder it, night and day.
They are like trees which are set on the edge of a flowing stream;
they give fruit when the season comes; with never-fading leaves.
And all that they do goes well; not so with the wicked, not so!
For they are like straws in the wind, borne away without trace;
when judged, unable to stand or join with those who are true.
The Lord is the guide of the just but the way of the wicked is doomed.
The Lord will bless us, if we walk in the way of peace.
Psalm text by Brother Anthony of Taizé
© Ateliers et Presses de Taizé, 71250 Taizé, France. Used with permission.