Catalogue no. 3007
The moon
Music: Sheena Phillips, Words: Emily Dickinson
Voicing: SATB
Performance time approx: 1m 20s
Price code: A
This piece is part of the set "Songs of love and longing".
The set also includes:
This piece should exude pure longing. The phrases are written to mimic the advance and retreat of waves and rubato can be used effectively.
The Moon is distant from the Sea —
And yet, with Amber Hands —
She leads Him -- docile as a Boy—
Along appointed Sands --
He never misses a Degree—
Obedient to Her Eye
He comes just so far-- toward the Town--
Just so far -- goes away --
Oh, Signor, Thine the Amber Hand --
And mine -- the distant Sea —
Obedient to the least command
Thine eye impose on me —
Emily Dickinson
(original untitled)
Poem by Emily Dickinson used by arrangement with the publishers and the Trustees of Amherst College from THE POEMS OF EMILY DICKINSON, Thomas H. Johnson, ed., Cambridge, Mass.: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, © 1951, 1955, 1979, 1983 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. All rights reserved.