Catalogue no. 3029

Yet once again

Music: Philip Wood, Words: Thomas Campion

Voicing: SATB

Performance time approx: 2m 45s

Price code: B


This piece is part of the set "Three old English partsongs".

The set also includes:

Three Old English Partsongs were written in 2002 for Nova Cantica, a Cumbria based choir directed by Douglas Cook.

Yet once again, let us our measures move,
And with sweet notes record our joyful love.
An object more divine none ever had:
Then with a dance triumphant let us sing.
Her high advancèd praise,
And ev'n to heaven our gladsome welcome
With wings of music raise;
Yet once again, let us our measures move,
And with sweet notes record our joyful love.
An object more divine none ever had:
Welcome, O welcome, ever-honoured Queen,
To this now blessèd place.

Thomas Campion

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Price codeB

Yet once again

Philip Wood


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