Catalogue no. 3017
Under de stora träden
Under the tall trees
Music: Sheena Phillips, Words: Pär Lagerkvist (1891-1974)
Voicing: SATB
Performance time approx: 1m 20s
Range S: c' – f'' / A: a♭ – b'♭ / T: c – f' / B: F – b
Price code: B
This quite wonderful poem evokes the magical and sensuous moment of twilight, when everything seems to soften and fade into everything else. The music should be sung as slowly as possible, with a quality of prayer about it.
Låt min skugga försvinna i din.
Låt mig förlora mig själv
under de stora träden.
De som själva förlorar sin krona i skymningen,
överlämnar sig åt himmelen och natten.
© Pär Lagerkvist Estate and used with permission.
Let my shadow disappear in yours.
Let me lose myself
under the tall trees,
Which themselves lose their crowns in the twilight,
and surrender to the sky and the night.
(Canasg editors)