Catalogue no. 5025

Yarabba ssalami

Music: Trad. arr. Sheena Phillips, Words: Trad. Arabic, trans. Fred Kaan

Voicing: SATB & descant

Performance time approx: 1m 30s

Range S: d#' – b' / A: b – b' / T: d# – c' / B: A – b Descant: g' - e''

Price code: A


A Palestinian prayer for peace. Words in Arabic and in English translation by Fred Kaan. A possible sequence of verses (English, Arabic, with or without descant, etc) is suggested here, but feel free to devise your own.

Yarabba Ssalami
(God of peace)

Yarabba ssalami amter alayna ssalam,
Yarabba ssalami im la’ qulubana ssalam.

God of peace, in your wisdom, give us the will to seek peace.
God of peace and of healing, fill with your peace every heart.

Palestinian words anon.
English translation by Fred Kaan

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Price codeA

Yarabba ssalami

Sheena Phillips

SATB & descant

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