Catalogue no. 4035
Shchedrìvka (Star of Wonder) SATB
No. 9 of 14 Ukrainian Christmas Carols
Music: trad. arr. Vladimir Morozov, Words: trad. Ukrainian and Sheena Phillips
Voicing: SATB
Performance time approx: 6m00s
Range S: d' - e flat'' A: d' - a' T: d - e flat' B: F - g
Price code: C
The ninth carol of the set, evoking carol-singing on a snowy evening.
All our Ukrainian carols include transliteration into the Roman alphabet, a literal translation, written and spoken pronunciation guides, and an English language version.
Ukrainian lyrics
Небо, ясні зірки дивні
Нашу землю освітили.
Щедрий вечір, добрий вечір
Усім людям на здоров’я.
Снігом білим спорошило,
Нам дорогу помостило.
Добрий вечір, господарю!
Ми принесли Богу дари.
Наші пісні-вони дари,
Рожденному для похвали.
Боже Щедрий, Боже Благий,
Подай же нам рік щасливий.
traditional Ukrainian carol
English language version
High in the sky, shining from afar,
Lighting the earth, hangs a silver star.
Good cheer to all, good cheer to all,
Good cheer and good health we wish to all.
Falling from heaven comes winter snow,
White is path that we take below.
Greetings to you, sir, from everyone,
Pray take these gifts which we bring your Son.
Roundels and carols we chant and sing,
Gifts for the Baby, the new-born King.
Kind holy Father, pray keep us near,
Grant us a happy and fruitful year.
Sheena Phillips