Catalogue no. 4030

Shcho to za Predivo (What a wonder) SATB

No. 4 of 14 Ukrainian Christmas Carols

Music: trad. arr. Vladimir Morozov, Words: trad. Ukrainian and Sheena Phillips

Voicing: SATB

Performance time approx: 3m20s

Range S: f' - f'' A: d' - b flat' T: f - f' B: A - b flat

Price code: C


The fourth carol of the set, depicting Mary, Joseph and the baby. The carol features a lovely change of energy in the refrain.

All our Ukrainian carols include transliteration into the Roman alphabet, a literal translation, written and spoken pronunciation guides, and an English language version.

Ukrainian lyrics

Що то за Предиво, в світі новина,
Що Діва Марія Сина зродила.

А як Вона породила,
У ясельця положила
Пречистая Діва,
Пречистая Діва.

А Йосиф старенький над яслами стоїть,
Йсусові Христові пелюшки стелить.

А Марія сповиває,
до серденька пригортає:
“Іісусe, Сину мій;
Іісусe, Сину мій.”

traditional Ukrainian carol

English language version

What a wonder!  Great news! Tell without delay
That a Virgin gives birth to a Son today.

Mary laboured in a bed of hay,
Bore the Baby Jesus where she lay,
The lovely Virgin Mary,
The lovely Virgin Mary.

Joseph stands on the straw, in the cattle shed,
And he takes up his tools, makes the Child a bed.

Mary wraps Him warm and soft and tight,
Holds Him to her heart this Holy Night,
The lovely Baby Jesus,
The lovely Baby Jesus.

Sheena Phillips


Card Image
Price codeC
Christmas, midwinter, New Year

Shcho to za Predivo (What a wonder) SATB

Shcho to za Predivo (What a wonder) SATB


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