Catalogue no. 5045
Psalm 121
I lift my eyes to the mountains
Music: Andrew Wilson-Dickson, Words: Jerusalem Bible 1966
Voicing: Unison choir/cantor, congregation, kbd and/or guitar.
Performance time approx: 2m 20s
Range Cantor: d–d' or d'–d'' / Congregation: d–d' or d'–d''
Price code: C
The set includes:
Andrew Wilson-Dickson has set a selection of psalms for liturgical use, based on texts by Brother Anthony of Taizé, from the Jerusalem Bible, and from a few other sources. Musically, the settings are inventive and refreshing, full of life and movement, and well within the compass of church choirs and congregations.
Psalm 121 from Andrew Wilson-Dickson’s set of 24 Psalms uses the delightful translation from the Jerusalem Bible (1966) and is full of cheerful confidence. The setting is irregular but uses call and response format throughout, making it fairly easy for the congregation to take part, especially if joined by part of the choir.
We publish the music for voices and keyboard, and we include a PDF which can be copied into a service booklet for congregational use. There is also an optional lead sheet for guitar, which works well with this psalm. We don’t ask you to count the whole congregation when you order this piece: please order according to the number of singers in your choir.
The recording is made from the composer’s original setting for wind quintet. Parts for oboe, flute, clarinet, horn and bassoon, should you wish to use them, can be purchased separately from the composer. (Email us at info@canasg.test and we will put you in touch with him). Andrew is also willing to create parts for any other instruments you have at your disposal.
I lift my eyes to the mountains:
where is help to come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
who made heav’n and earth.
No letting our footsteps slip!
This guard of yours, he does not doze!
The guardian of Israel
does not doze or sleep.
The Lord guards you and shades you.
And with God at your right hand,
The sun cannot strike you by day,
nor moon at night.
The Lord guards you from harm,
he guards you leaving,
and coming back,
now and for always.
Text from the Jerusalem Bible ed. Henry Wansbrough (1966) Copyright © Darton Longman and Todd
Used with permission