Catalogue no. 4028

Ìshli trìye tzarì (The Three Kings) SATB

No. 2 of 14 Ukrainian Christmas Carols

Music: trad. arr. Vladimir Morozov, Words: trad. Ukrainian and Sheena Phillips

Voicing: SATB

Performance time approx: 3m00s

Range S: c' - f'' A: c' - a' T: c - d' B: F - f

Price code: C


The second carol of the set, describing the journey of the three kings.

All our Ukrainian carols include a literal translation, transliteration into the Roman alphabet, written and spoken pronunciation guides, and an English language version.

Ukrainian lyrics

Ішли тріє царі,
Де Христос родився.
Їрод же їх пригласив:
«Куди йдете?»-їх спросив.

Отвічають йому:
«К Рожденному йдемо».
«К Рожденному ідіте,
Та й до мене зайдіте».

Ангел зустрічає,
На свій путь справляє:
«Другим путем ідіте,
А к Їроду не йдіте».

Зійшла зірка чудна,
З восток до полудня.
Над вертепом сіяє
Христа Царя з’являє.


traditional Ukrainian carol

English language version

Three kings walked a long, long way
To the place where Jesus lay.
Herod hailed them as they came:
“What’s your journey?” he asked them.

“We are going to see the King
Newly born in Bethlehem”.
“You may go to see this bairn,
But I bid you to return”.

To the men an Angel came.
Secretly he counselled them:
“Flee from Herod if you can,
For he is an evil man.”

In the east a bright star shone,
Burned with beauty until noon,
Cast its light upon the hay
Where the child King Jesus lay.

Sheena Phillips



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Price codeC
Christmas, midwinter, New Year

Ìshli trìye tzarì (The Three Kings) SATB

Vladimir Morozov


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