Catalogue no. 4014
In excelsis gloria SATB
Music: Douglas Cook, Words: Anon
Voicing: SATB
Performance time approx: 1m 30s
Range S: e – g'' / A: d' – d'' / T: e – f' / B: A – a
Price code: B
This piece is part of the set "A sequence of carols SATB".
The set also includes:
The final piece in Douglas Cook’s A sequence of carols is full of excitement. Unison sections transition suddenly into full harmony; the meter breaks out of 2/2 into snatches of a dancing 6/4; voices combine and recombine continually, chasing towards the final In excelsis gloria.
The composer adds: The unison opening of each verse should be marcato e poco staccato – certainly not legato.
When Christ was born of Mary free,
In Bethlem in that fair city,
Angels sung e'er with mirth and glee,
In excelsis gloria [Glory (to God) in the heavens]
Herdmen beheld these angels bright,
To them appearing in great light,
And said, 'God's Son is born this night'
In excelsis gloria
This King is come to save his kind,
In the scripture as we find,
Therefore this song we have in mind:
In excelsis gloria
Then, dear Lord, for thy great grace,
Grant us in bliss to see thy face,
Where we may sing to thy solace:
In excelsis gloria
Medieval lyric (modernised)